Freitag, 29. Juli 2016

A poem for peace

Erdogan, oh Erdogan, when do you finally wake up out of your little weird dream? Are you a president or a stubborn child?

Your people want to live in peace and not with terror and hate. Turkey is wonderful, the majority so peaceful. Everyone is helpful, even to a stranger, and always wears a smile on the face. They really deserve a better state.

All they want is joy in life. Haven’t you noticed in all your anger? They don't deserve to live with your senseless danger. Death penalty? Seriously? What must be going on in your addled head?

I better don't want to know, because too many pictures already burned a big hole into my soul. Are you really having so much fear? I can only feel sad for you and spread my tears. For the people who died and the families who cried.

There are other ways to lead a country, but you obviously live very far away. It must be on another star. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am right, but I stick to my opinion and I think you are full of hate.

I let the people decide for themselves and they can tell me if you are a good president or if you should fade away. But I am hoping for all the good and honest people in Turkey who helped me to travel and make it through hospital that something in your country will change very soon. Otherwise I would personally send you with a starship to the dark side of the moon!

Relase your people and let them live in peace.

Iran, Sudan, Syria or Libya. It is about all the countries with dictators in the world who spread hate instead of peace.

This ist the world's biggest disease!

Sophisticated and intelligent people in Turkey, why do you hide? Fight for your human rights and a better future. I am not talking about guns, because I am a pacifist. Another war is not what we need.

But get back the country's peace and stop this disease!

Montag, 18. Juli 2016

Statement of a unicorn

"Hey, my little, smart unicorn. I really need to talk to you because I have a very important question. I already asked the pink elephant but he didn’t have an answer."

"Ok, go for it."

"How much is my passport worth? I can live a good live, even with my disease. I can survive, no daily struggle, I cross borders without any trouble. I can travel, I have an insurance. Should I feel proud ? I feel so much doubt."

"I know what you mean, your question is tough. Should you feel blessed or suffer with the rest?"

"I am giving you a question and you give me more?"

"I am giving you more questions because even a unicorn is not that wise. Borders just don’t exist in our peaceful wonder world. That’s the reason why you are always talking to me. You want to feel free. Deep in your heart you want to escape and live in a unicorn world. In a little bubble and in peace, not in a world full of trouble.

Close your eyes whenever you want to have a little break from the questions of life but you cannot escape the truth of the world. 

You want an answer? Then don’t forget what I am telling you now:

Always try to find back to reality. Be productive because doing something is always better than nothing. Look at the evil in this world. They never lose their energy.

You know you will not change the world but maybe make it a little bit better."

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2016


Ist schweigen Gold?

Schweigsame Stille ist ein langsamer Tod.

Ein Ende ohne Worte, die man vielleicht lieber hätte sagen sollen.

Warum fallen Worte manchmal nur so schwer?

Gute Gedanken an liebe Menschen sollten niemals in der Stille verklingen.

Sie machen glücklich und öffnen Herzen, machen Mut und Mut tut einer jeden Seele gut.

Böse Worte sind so schnell gesprochen, doch die schönen Gedanken sollten wir stattdessen viel öfter aus unserem Munde entlassen.
So richte ich diese Worte an alle Menschen:
Es könnte plötzlich zu spät sein und man wird ewig und ein Leben lang für seine Stille traurig sein.